Ko te wiki o Te Reo Māori

Ko te wiki o Te Reo Māori!

Kei te pīrangi au ki te noho ki tētahi Tāmaki ko te aro-rohe kei te pokapū o te whakahaere kaunihera, e whakamana ana me te whakarongo ki ō tātou hapori. Ahakoa te rahi nui o te tāone nui, ka rangona, ka arohia hoki ngā reo ā-rohe me ngā whakataunga e whakaritea ana kia tautoko i ngā hapori. He tāone nui kākano maha, kanorau hoki, e whakakotahi ana ki te tautoko i a tātou me te whakanui i ō tātou rerekētanga.

Kua whakamaoritia taku paetukutuku ki te reo Maori.

Ka whai i ngā wheako pakihi me te mana whakahaere, tae atu ki ngā tūhononga hapori uekaha, nā reira, ko aku whakaemitanga pūkenga kei tua o kapenga kia tū hei kaikaunihera mā koutou.

Me te whai i tō koutou tautoko, ka whakarato au i te moemoeā me te hautūtanga ki te rutu i ngā take uaua, ka pukumahi, ā, ka whakarite kia rangona ngā tāngata o Tāmaki ki te Rāwhiti ki te tēpu o te kaunihera.

Pōtihia a Damian Light ki te Kaunihera

It’s Māori language week!

I want to live in an Auckland where localism is at the core of how council functions, empowering and listening to our communities. Despite the massive scale of the city, the local voices are heard and listened to with decisions made that support communities. We’re a multicultural and diverse city, coming together to support each other while celebrating our differences.

My website has been translated into Te Reo Māori.

With business and governance experience, combined with strong community connections, I have an unrivaled mix of what's needed to be your councillor.

With your support, I will provide the vision and leadership to tackle the tough issues, put in the hard work and ensure the people of East Auckland are heard at the council table.

Vote Damian Light for Council