Government investment in water infrastructure looks promising

Amongst all the political intrigue and chaos this week, you may have missed the Government's announcement on investing in water infrastructure.

They've announced $761m to help local councils get on top of the water infrastructure shortfalls. This is the first part in a series of funding rounds that will become linked to improved standards. There may also be some structural changes, with a more regional approach to water but the details on this are yet to be worked out.

I'm genuinely impressed that the proposal looks to be following a reasonable consultation and engagement process! I'm often critical of governments top down approach but this looks remarkably good.

“We welcome the Government’s inclusive and voluntary approach taken with the Three Waters Reform Programme, because it recognises that water is part of New Zealand’s broader infrastructure, planning and governance system,” said LGNZ President Dave Cull.

Much of our water infrastructure has been overlooked, literally buried underground out of sight and too often out of mind. This approach appears to recognise the importance of investment and the need for a bigger picture without trampling over local government.

It's also good to see this will consider more than just scale, as this isn't the whole answer to the challenges. Absolutely it's difficult for smaller councils, but even the behemoth that is Auckland hasn't gotten it right.