Government fails to deliver on infrastructure

For generations NZ has under invested in infrastructure and, while today's announcement is welcome, it's not enough to address the gaps, let alone take us forward.

Newsroom - Why $12b isn’t enough to fill this infrastructure chasm

$12B sounds like a lot, especially with $6.8B going to transport in Auckland. But to put that in perspective, Auckland is currently investing $27B into transport and it's still not enough.

Auckland could swallow $12B and still need more. And our regions still need investment - the Provincial Growth Fund hasn't delivered.

It's no secret that I've been highly critical of this government's big promises and lack of delivery. Today's announcement isn't doing much to change that, especially as many projects are simply restarted roading projects from previous government that were stopped by the current coalition. If they were important, why stop them? If they aren't important, why do them now?

This isn't transformational.

I'm not asking the government to tax more although I am keen to see the multinationals pay their fair share by closing loopholes. But government already has access to massive amounts of funds which they need to divest to the regional and city councils to build, repair and strengthen their infrastructure as they need to respond to local and regional challenges.

Last election, politicians (myself included) promised significant investment in infrastructure. Everyone agrees we need it to support our growing population, tackle climate change and address ageing assets.

This year, as a voter I'm looking for a party that's serious about investing in Aotearoa through true localism.