Delivering transparency safely - my submission on Local Electoral (Advertising) Amendment Bill

Delivering transparency safely - my submission on Local Electoral (Advertising) Amendment Bill

The Local Electoral (Advertising) Amendment Bill “would amend the Local Electoral Act 2001 to address concerns around candidate safety by loosening the requirement that candidates attach either their residential or business address to electoral advertising. It would allow email addresses, PO box or phone numbers, or links to an internet page to be used instead.“

Submission on Auckland Council's preliminary response to housing intensification

Submission on Auckland Council's preliminary response to housing intensification

Central Government (together with the Opposition) have created legislation that requires all larger cities in New Zealand to allow more intensification of housing. Auckland Council have prepared a preliminary response and asked for public feedback. The following is my submission.

Latest Climate Report shows ‘We are pretty much out of time’

Latest Climate Report shows ‘We are pretty much out of time’

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from the worlds top climate scientists makes for pretty grim reading. Despite decades of promises to reduce our carbon emissions, we’ve increased them. And I mean we - New Zealand is one of the worst performers.