Eastern Busway Burswood diversion continues to divide
How many people need to die for Auckland Transport to act?
Submission on Auckland Council's preliminary response to housing intensification
Auckland Council mismanagement is costing us more
Auckland Council Budget 2022/2023 consultation feedback to Howick Local Board
Reducing fuel prices and public transport fares welcomed but needs long term solutions
Eastern Busway feedback shows Burswood diversion unpopular with locals
Auckland Council finances still don't add up
Major transport projects like the Eastern Busway have been delayed because Auckland Council told us they didn't have the money to fund it. Yet the NZ Herald has revealed that council is sitting on $285 million of unspent regional fuel tax earmarked for transport.
Auckland Transport $37B plan nothing to celebrate
On Monday 28 June, the Board of Auckland Transport approved their ten year plan known as the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). The plan comes with a hefty price tag of $37 Billion which on the face of it seems positive - Auckland has under invested in transport for far too long. However, there isn't much to celebrate.
Further delays to Eastern Busway are unacceptable
Did this pole really need to go here?
Where's my bus?
Road safety needs to be taken seriously
Auckland Transport is increasing fares, yet again.
In what feels like deja vu, Auckland Transport is yet again increasing the fares for public transport. From 7 February about half of all passengers will pay an average 35 cents more for each trip. In 2016 they reworked the fare structure and every year since then fares have gone up. Last year they blamed petrol prices and this year it's COVID19. The reality is that Auckland already has one of the most expensive public transport fares in the world and making it more expensive is only making our transport issues worse.
Council should be investing in the safety of our children
We've got our priorities wrong Auckland, keeping our kids safe should be at the top of the list. More students walking and cycling is better for congestion, the environment and children’s health. Instead our city gets distracted with half-baked ideas for waterfront stadiums. We need to focus on real priorities, cut the fluff and get on with it.