Eastern Busway Burswood diversion continues to divide
Community planting day at Mangemangeroa Reserve
Auckland Council mismanagement is costing us more
Eastern Busway feedback shows Burswood diversion unpopular with locals
Auckland Council finances still don't add up
Major transport projects like the Eastern Busway have been delayed because Auckland Council told us they didn't have the money to fund it. Yet the NZ Herald has revealed that council is sitting on $285 million of unspent regional fuel tax earmarked for transport.
Howick Local Board meeting for July 2021
Community Patrols NZ conference
Selling parks and reserves won't fix anything
Selling land is short sighed
I'm not ideologically opposed to asset sales - sometimes it makes sense to sell some unused land to fund something better and more useful for the community. But selling them to fund a shortfall in revenue means we're loosing out, especially when it's clear that even this massive selloff will do little to plug the gap.
Lack of skatepark needs to be addressed
Council should be investing in the safety of our children
We've got our priorities wrong Auckland, keeping our kids safe should be at the top of the list. More students walking and cycling is better for congestion, the environment and children’s health. Instead our city gets distracted with half-baked ideas for waterfront stadiums. We need to focus on real priorities, cut the fluff and get on with it.