Vote to ensure your voice is heard
We painted the town red!
Local businesses essential to East Auckland
Quiz night to support the Howick Santa Parade
Our council needs to listen so I'm here to hear your questions and concerns
Cockle Bay Residents and Ratepayers Association planning another busy year
Residents associations play a really important role in ensuring that locals are informed and have a voice. The Cockle Bay Residents and Rate Payers Association have had a very busy year which they celebrated their AGM on Saturday 27 July and I was pleased to attend.
Thefts from vehicles still on the increase
Last night was a wild and windy night for Botany Crime Watch Patrol. I saw this story in the Times just before we went out to help the police and our community.
Howick Youth Council continues to show leadership and action
Localism the council's greatest weakness
Ormiston Town Centre is coming (soon)!
Lloyd Elsmore Skate Park in desperate need of upgrade
Lloyd Elsmore has a skate park but its in desperate need of attention. A small group of us caught up this afternoon to see what can be done.
It doesn't take an expert to see that the skate park is tired. There's big cracks and splits in the concrete, the rails are worn and the surface is rough which wears down tires (and riders if they fall off).
Ending domestic violence will take a community approach
Domestic violence is a terrible scourge on our communities and families. We've all heard the news, seen the statistics but its ruining lives, destroying futures.
David White is one such person - he lost his daughter, murdered by her husband. Instead of retiring, his wife and him have been raising his grandchildren, dealing with the aftermath.
Cockle Bay Domain restored by community
Local Board Meetings great opportunity to hear from community
Auckland needs a bold vision for stadiums
Point View Drive clean up a community effort
Let's all try to be more like John
Howick locals came together to acknowledge John Sato, a local who has become an inspiration to many. At 95 he caught multiple buses to be at the anti-racism march, setting an amazing example for us all.